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Minecraft World Viewer

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Minecraft 1.12 or older Chunky 2.2.0 Minecraft 1.13 or newer. New users are recommended to look at the Installation Instructions and the Getting Started Guide, or for a full guide check Your First Render! For help and development updates, join our Discord: Chunky for Minecraft 1.13+ Chunky 1.4.X only supports Minecraft 1.12 and earlier. Browse and download Minecraft Worlds Maps by the Planet Minecraft community. Free video converter for mac no watermark.

See also the Github Homepage and the Updates Blog, and follow us onour Twitter account.


The Minecraft Overviewer is a command-line tool for rendering high-resolutionmaps of Minecraft Java Edition worlds. It generates a set of static html andimage files and uses Leaflet to display a nice interactive map.

The Overviewer has been in active development for several years and has manyfeatures, including day and night lighting, cave rendering, mineral overlays,and many plugins for even more features! It is written mostly in Python withcritical sections in C as an extension module.

For a simple example of what your renders will look like, head over to The'Exmaple' Map. For more user-contributedexamples, see The Example Wiki Page.

Documentation Contents¶

  • Installing
  • Building the Overviewer from Source
  • Running the Overviewer
  • The Configuration File
  • Signs and Markers
  • Windows Newbie Guide
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Contributing
  • Design Documentation


  • Renders high resolution images of your world, let's you 'deep zoom' and seedetails!
  • Gloriously awesome smooth lighting is here!(rendermode name is smooth_lighting)
  • Customizable textures! Pulls textures straight from your installed texturepack!
  • Choose from four rendering angles.
  • Generates a Leaflet powered map!
  • Runs on Linux, Windows, and Mac platforms!
  • Renders efficiently in parallel, using as many simultaneous processes as youwant!
  • Only requires: Python, Numpy, and PIL (all of which are included in theWindows download!)
  • Utilizes caching to speed up subsequent renderings of your world. Only partsthat need re-rendering are re-rendered.
  • Throw the output directory up on a web server to share your Minecraft worldwith the internet!
  • Run The Overviewer from a command line or on a cron schedule for constantlyupdated maps! Run it for your Minecraft server world to provide your userswith a detailed map!
  • Supports Nether and The End dimensions!
  • Built-in support for Biomes!

What The Overviewer is not¶

Full disclosure disclaimers of what The Overviewer is not.

  • It does not run fast. Because of the high level of detail, initial renders ofa world can take some time. Expect minutes for medium worlds, hours for largeto huge worlds. Subsequent renders are much Mojang gift minecraft. faster due to the caching.

    Also note that speed is improving all the time. We continually make efficiencyimprovements to The Overviewer. Besides, for the level of detail provided,our users consider it worth the time!

  • The Overviewer is not targeted at end users. We mainly see Overviewer fittingin best with server operators, rendering their server's map for all users toview.

    You are welcome to use The Overviewer for your single player worlds, and itwill work just fine. However, since the only interface is currently commandline based, you will need to know a bit about the command line in order tooperate The Overviewer.

  • The Overviewer does not support Bedrock/Win10/Portable Edition worlds.

  • The Overviewer is not a potato.


Currencier 2 1 download free. This is a quick list of what's required to run The Overviewer. It runs onWindows, Mac, and Linux as long as you have these software packages installed:

  • Python 3.4 or above (we are no longer compatible with Python 2.x)
  • PIL (Python Imaging Library) or Pillow
  • Numpy
  • Either a Minecraft Client installed or a textures/ folder for the textures (possibly from a texturepack)

The first three are included in the Windows download. Also, there are additionalrequirements for compiling it (like a compiler). More details are available ineither the Building or Installing pages.

Getting Started¶

The Overviewer works with Linux, Mac, and Windows! We provide Windows and Debianbuilt executables for your convenience. Find them as well as the full sources onour Github Homepage.

If you are running Windows, Debian, or Ubuntu and would like the pre-builtpackages and don't want to have to compile anything yourself, head to theInstalling page.

Running Windows and not familiar with the command line? Head to theWindows Newbie Guide page.

If you would like to build the Overviewer from source yourself (it's not thatbad), head to the Building page. Native instruments maschine 2 v2 9 2.

For all other platforms you will need to build it yourself.Building the Overviewer from Source.

After you have The Overviewer built/installed see Running the Overviewer andThe Configuration File.


IF YOU NEED HELP COMPILING OR RUNNING THE OVERVIEWER feel free to chat withus live in IRC: #overviewer on Freenode. There's usually someone on there thatcan help you out. Not familiar with IRC? Use the web client. (If there's no immediateresponse, wait around or try a different time of day; we have to sleep sometime)

Also check our Frequently Asked Questions page. Google drive download all files in a folder.

If you think you've found a bug or other issue, file an issue on our IssueTracker. Filing orcommenting on an issue sends a notice to our IRC channel, so the response timeis often very good!

JavaScript is required for this application!

Seed Viewer Minecraft

Hint: You can also drag and drop level.dat here!
⚠ Zoom in to show all selected features
Filter biomes


Some features are not 100% accurate, i.e., locations can be wrong or missing. These include:

  • Dungeons
  • End Cities on Bedrock Edition
  • World Spawn Positions

Various other structures such as villages and igloos can sometimes fail to generate in-game as well.

Let me know in the comments if you find any wrong or missing locations. Nintendo wii animal games. Please make sure that:

  • you entered the seed and coordinates correctly
  • you selected the correct edition and version (the one used to generate the region you look at)
  • you don't use any mods that affect the world generation
  • (for slime chunks) you waited long enough, since they have a very low spawn rate even in slime chunks



For technical reasons, you need to know the seed of your world to use Seed Map, unless, of course, you want to find a seed for a new world. If you're playing SSP, the app is able to fetch the seed from your savegame. Alternatively, you can use the /seed command ingame. In SMP, you can use the same command if you have sufficient rights. Otherwise, however, you're dependent on the server owner, who started the world and has access to the savegame and config files.


This app uses some relatively new web technologies. As a result, some features may be disabled for older browsers. I recommend using the latest version of a major browser such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Safari.

Minecraft World Viewer Online


Seed Selection

The first thing you should do is select a seed and version. You can either type it in manually, or you can load it from your savegame. The latter can be done by clicking on 'Load from Save.' and selecting your level.dat, or by drag&dropping the level.dat file into your browser window. Level.dat is a small file located in the folder of every Minecraft savegame. You can find the savegames in the saves folder of your Minecraft installation. On Windows you can use %appdata%.minecraftsaves to get to that folder.

You should also know that a seed is always a number (up to around 20 digits). If you type in anything else (like letters), it will be converted to a number. The app does this the same way Minecraft does, so it's safe to use letters (and other characters) as well.

Dimension and Feature Selection


Below the seed and version, you can also choose the Minecraft dimension that you want to view (Overworld, Nether or End). This, and the version you use, will affect which features can be enabled. To toggle certain features, click on the icons in the features box just above the map.

You can also expand and collapse features box by clicking the arrow on the right side of the box to show the full names of the features, as well as some more options.

Note that some features will only show if you zoomed in enough. This is to keep the app fast and to not flood it with icons. The app will show a warning and all affected features will be highlighted once that happens.


Online Minecraft World Viewer

Once you entered all the options you can start using the map. To scroll, use your arrow keys while your mouse cursor points at the map, or move your mouse while holding down the left mouse button. You can use the slider below the map or your mousewheel for zooming. The lower inputs allow you to go to a specific point (e.g., your base) of the map and set a marker there. You can always remove and add the marker by double clicking on the map. The 'Save Map' button allows you to save the currently shown map as png image file.

Selecting structure locations

You can click or tap on the icons on the map to see their exact coordinates in the game. For some structures, additional details are shown as well.


Below the seed and version, you can also choose the Minecraft dimension that you want to view (Overworld, Nether or End). This, and the version you use, will affect which features can be enabled. To toggle certain features, click on the icons in the features box just above the map.

You can also expand and collapse features box by clicking the arrow on the right side of the box to show the full names of the features, as well as some more options.

Note that some features will only show if you zoomed in enough. This is to keep the app fast and to not flood it with icons. The app will show a warning and all affected features will be highlighted once that happens.


Online Minecraft World Viewer

Once you entered all the options you can start using the map. To scroll, use your arrow keys while your mouse cursor points at the map, or move your mouse while holding down the left mouse button. You can use the slider below the map or your mousewheel for zooming. The lower inputs allow you to go to a specific point (e.g., your base) of the map and set a marker there. You can always remove and add the marker by double clicking on the map. The 'Save Map' button allows you to save the currently shown map as png image file.

Selecting structure locations

You can click or tap on the icons on the map to see their exact coordinates in the game. For some structures, additional details are shown as well.


When using a touch-enabled device, an extra option for enabling/disabling touchscreen control will appear below the map. With that option enabled, you can drag the map with your finger to navigate, you can pinch to zoom in and out, and you can tap and hold to set a marker on the map. By double tapping on the map, you can quickly enable/disable the functionality as well.


  • Thanks to amidst contributors for providing biome colors
  • Thanks to Earthcomputer for his work on bedrockified, which made it possible to support Bedrock Edition
  • Thanks to @protolambda and @jocopa3 for figuring out the slime chunk algorithm for pocket/bedrock edition, and depressed-pho for porting it to JavaScript

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